Roadsunshine Sportswear manufacturer is proud of plus size swimwear manufacturers, which is one of the hot seller. Since its launch, the stability of the product is certified by the Organization for Standardization. We study the quality management system that is suitable for the industry we get involved. According to the system requirements, we put an emphasis on safe and durable tools and perfect an integrated management system in all departments in conformity with ISO standards.
All products under the brand Roadsunshisne are positioned clearly and are aimed at specific consumers and areas. They are marketed together with our autonomously developed technology and excellent after-sale service. People are attracted by not only the products but also the ideas and service. This helps increase sales and improve market influence. We will input more to build our image and to stand firm in the market.
At, all products including the above-mentioned plus size swimwear manufacturers are delivered quickly as the company partners with logistic companies for years. The packaging is also provided for different products to ensure a safe shipment.
Contact person: Daniel Wang
Tel : +86 15718488243
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Address : Room 712, A2 Jiefeng E-Commerce BlvdNo.50 Juyuan St, Shicha Rd, Baiyun Dist,
Guangzhou, China